Monika, a young girl from the Ekta Vihar slum living in a small, cramped room with her family facing severe financial struggles, never thought she could pursue her dreams of graduating from Delhi University. Her father's meagre income as a residential caretaker barely sustained them. But the support of Asha fulfilled her dreams. In 2020, as she passed her 12th class, the Asha Ambassadors motivated her and guided her to get into college; the Asha team provided her with educational resources. Amidst the chaotic home environment, Asha offered Monika a peaceful space to study, igniting her academic potential. With Asha's support, she secured a seat in the Bachelor of Arts Programme at Delhi University. During the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown, Monika selflessly dedicated herself to her community. As an Asha warrior, she assisted the elderly, cared for patients, and aided fellow students.
Monika firmly believes in paying it forward, a valuable lesson she learned from her experience with Asha. She serves her community as an active Asha ambassador and helps young children in their studies.