In her eminent style, Dr Kiran narrates about the week of exciting celebration for Asha's momentous 35-year-old journey.
Hello everyone, what a wonderful end to a week of exciting and joyous celebrations! This final event was held at Sai Auditorium with over 300 people attending.
Once again, Freddy and Sahil co mc’ed the event. Sahil is an Asha Graduate who now works for Macquarie bank in India in quite a senior position. He did us all so proud.
The Chief Guest for the evening was Alex Chernov AC QC, Former Governor of Victoria and an eminent Australian.
The event began with the lighting of the lamp, symbolizing the removal of darkness and the spreading of light. The lighting ceremony was performed by our Chief Guest, one representative each from the Global Friends of Asha, a representative of the community, and the Founder.
This was followed by remarks made by me and the Chief Guest
Asha community members and team put on some absolutely mesmerizing performances! The level of talent was unbelievable.
Rubina shared her story with a group of highly accomplished Asha Alumni standing on the stage and looking oh-so smart.
Saira, a CHV, spoke about the terrible poverty her life began with and how she is a highly respected CHV today. A group of CHVs stood on stage representing the many we have all over Asha and who have revolutionized health care in the slums, along with Asha’s health team.
We invited a representative group of Asha students who were at university at the present time, studying various courses and colleges. How proud we all were with their achievements.
Many senior doctors from my med school cohort (1977) were present, and a couple called Sudipto and Carreen sang beautifully for us. They also represented my cohort, who has always helped and stood by me for years. I honored them with shawls after they sang.
David Briggs and his team from Discovery Trust put on a lovely performance to demonstrate the Asha values.
Absolutely wonderful to have FOA from all over the world! It was so much fun!
Here are some miscellaneous pictures.