In the heart of the Seelampur Slum colony, Ismaeel and Sameer’s young lives were marked by unfathomable tragedy. Their father, a daily wage labourer, was tragically killed, leaving them fatherless. To add their woes, their mother, remarried and moved away abandoning them. The siblings found solace in the care of their elderly grandparents, who struggled to survive by stripping wires.
Amidst the darkness, a ray of hope emerged in the form of the Asha Bal Mandal. Ismaeel and Sameer discovered refuge and comfort within the walls of the Asha Centre at Seelampur. The peaceful study space and uplifting activities became a sanctuary for their wounded souls. Books became their constant companions, fueling their love for reading and igniting a spark within their hearts. Embracing Asha’s core values, the siblings live a life practicing these values in day-to-day life. Ismaeel, in the 6th grade, and Sameer, in the 9th grade, are good at studies. Despite their painful past, they clung to their dreams of a brighter future, sculpted by the unwavering support of Asha.
They are true examples and powerful reminders that hope can find its way even in the depths of despair. With the nurturing guidance of the Asha Centre and its dedicated team, they have begun to unlock their hidden potential. They have learned that through education and determination, dreams can flourish, and destinies can be rewritten. Their journey embodies the transformative power of love, support, and belief in oneself.
Dear Ismaeel and Sameer, keep dreaming and keep striving to achieve great things in life!