The story of Karan Kumar, a 19-year-old from the Anna Nagar slum community, reminds us to have a passion for chasing our dreams and using the opportunities to achieve them.
Karan has been associated with Asha as an active Bal Mandal member. His family consisting of him, two younger sisters and his parents, survives on his father's small income by selling food on the street.
As Karan completed his 12th standard, many of his classmates were busily preparing for the CUET to get into a college; he decided to attend a technical course. His parents, who were less educated and unfamiliar with such training, discouraged him from doing so. Karan was so particular about following his dreams, and he shared the same with the Asha team at Anna Nagar. They convinced his parents to allow him to pursue his interest, enabling him to do his best and land a self-satisfying job. With the help of the Asha team, Karan secured a seat for a course in fitter trade at Industrial Training Institute, Nizamuddin, Delhi, offered by the Department of Training & Technical Education, Government of NCT. Karan will complete his course in August 2023.
Meanwhile, he also enrolled on a BA program at Delhi University’s School of Open Learning. Any course and job become a passion if it gives you immense satisfaction in engaging in it. We wish Karan all the best as he has chosen his career path.