Asha was delighted to host the University of Queensland Team, Mr Rongyu Li, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (Global Engagement), Mr Brett Lovegrove, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Partnerships), Prof. Heather Zwicker, Executive Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. Helen Klaebe, Dean, GraduateSchool and Ms Thoa
Harring, Manager, Strategy and Partnerships, Global Strategy and Partnerships, Global Partnerships at its Headquarters on 5th August 2022.
After the cordial welcome and the introductory conversation with the Asha team, they interacted with the Asha graduates and college students. The graduates and the students shared their life challenges in the slum communities and their education journey with Asha’s support receiving academic counselling, university-related expenses, IT Lab facilities, internships in prestigious institutions and spoken English classes. Students also shared how Asha is helping them to prepare for International Higher Education. The team was highly impressed to hear the achievements of our students and motivated them to dream and strive high to bring a change.