Trinity College students have been enthusiastically supporting the work of Dr Kiran Martin and the Asha Society by visiting Delhi to volunteer over the summer break. This strong connection is now to be expanded to include financial support with the launch of their ‘giving circle’.
On 24th October, Trinity College was proud to be able to host a morning tea to launch the giving circle with senior representatives from the college attending including: Leonie Jongenelis, Dean of Residential College, Scott Charles, Deputy Warden and Director of Advancement and Ruby Crysell, Associate Director of Advancement. Also in attendance was Robert Johanson Chair Australian Friends of Asha and Trinity alumnus.
The guest speaker was Mahinder, Trinity alumnus and Asha graduate, who detailed how he has had his life transformed by the power of philanthropy. Mahinder values the strong friendships he made during his time at Trinity and was delighted to be able to talk about his passion for giving back and assisting other young people facing similar challenges.
Trinity alumni are warmly welcomed to join the giving circle by contacting Harriet Hewitson: