Asha provides menstrual hygiene products to young girls

Dr Kiran- ”Hello folks, young girls in our communities are facing major problems because they have no money to buy menstrual hygiene products. They were using them before, but now they have to use pieces of cloth. Privacy is a major issue because the public toilets are unhygienic and the doors are often broken. Nowadays soap and water is a major problem as well. Other comorbidities are reproductive tract infections and urinary tract infections among others.

The girls of Mayapuri were happy and relieved to receive menstrual hygiene products from Asha today.

If you can find innovative ways of raising resources for these products, we can help many more young girls and mothers as well. 2 packs of feminine hygiene products and a bar of soap will cost about 3 pounds only. It will be wonderful if we can reach out to all the Asha communities as much as possible. We will also educate them on menstrual hygiene and safe and proper disposal of products. That way our young girls will be able to go through menstruation with dignity.”




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