Dr Kiran- ”Today I decided to spend the day at one of Asha’s poorest slum colonies- Seelampur. Many of you on this group have been working with them for years. In the homes and lanes, I met families who showed me their empty containers, families whose wives and children were suffering because of the husband taking drugs, widows who had no support. The Warriors told me that for the cooked food that is distributed by the government at 4 pm, people stand in line from 1 pm onwards. In the hot sun at 40°C. There’s no shade. It’s common knowledge that the government ration shops that are mandated to give free grain to ration cardholders are dishonest and corrupt.
The alleys are narrow and dark, and there’s a stench in the air because of poor sanitation and choked drains. Hundreds of flies are everywhere.
I met many families we have been helping, and their hearts are filled with gratitude.
At the centre, we ran a baby clinic and gave out Child Nutrition Kits. The previously healthy children had mostly become malnourished, which is what I was expecting. I’m so glad that with your help we could give them this kit including vitamin and mineral supplements.
I also noticed that many mothers were moderately to severely anaemic. I put them on long term iron and folic acid supplements.
One round of cash handouts and groceries has been given by Asha, and we are getting ready for the next.
Thank you all of your generosity that is saving so many lives in Seelampur.”