”Hello folks, today I would like to draw your attention to Hidden Hunger in children. This is the Hunger caused by a deficiency of essential nutrients in the food. Malnourished children in the slums suffer from Iron Deficiency Anemia that is primarily due to poor intake of iron in the diet. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen to our cells and for a number of metabolic processes in the body. Our malnourished children are showing symptoms of iron deficiency: looking pale, feeling lethargic, feeling sleepy, always tired, often irritable, or getting headaches or feeling dizzy.
We have created a Malnutrition Food Kit for our poorly nourished children and are giving this kit out to every child under five years of age who needs it. Jaggery is an important component of this kit because apart from providing energy, it is a rich source of Iron. Iron Syrup is being given to each child along with the Food Kit. Very many thanks to all those who have helped us with resources to give our young children in the slums groceries for a nutritious diet.”- Dr Kiran