Surviving against the odds with Asha’s support

This is the sad story of 72-year-old Jhallo Devi who lives on her own in the Mayapuri slum colony, abandoned by her family. Jhallo spent her childhood working on the farms of landowners in the state of Bihar. She was married off at the age of 12, never receiving the opportunity of an education.

She and her husband lived by the railway tracks in the slum. Her husband earned a meagre daily wage as a labourer and with it he supported his family of 6.

Jhallo’s husband died in an accident at the age of 40. She was left alone to raise her children. She saw terrible poverty during the coming years.

Her children got married, and abandoned her to live alone in her one-room shanty.

The Asha team became her family and took her under their care, providing her regularly with groceries, cooking for her, treating her ailments, and filling her life with love and affection.

“I cannot express in words what it means to me that the Asha family takes care of an old lady like me, “ says Jhallo. “ My knees are weak, and sometimes I cannot walk to the Asha centre, but the Asha family members always visit me at my home and take care of my needs. How shall I ever thank them enough?”

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