Strangers become brothers through the power of love and tenderness. Bonds can be stronger than blood.-Dr Kiran
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The language of touch, the best way to express real feelings
Sometimes only the language of touch can fully express what we feel. May we cherish the joys of this language forever.
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Tender embraces, the best remedy to heal the wounds of the abandoned
The raw and deep wounds of the abandoned are slowly healed with tenderness. May tenderness pour from our eyes and our embrace. May they go home in peace. [gallery size="medium" ids="5887,5888,5889"]
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Washing the feet of the elderly, one of the highest expressions of true love
To me, washing the feet of a poor and elderly person is one of the highest expressions of true love. We become humble sons and daughters. Our hearts are purified. We see the poor with different eyes. Abandoned and isolated, they have walked everywhere alone, their feet covered with dirt from the lanes and drains…
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