Tripti’s Inspiring Session on Gratitude with Asha Students

As many of you know, the Asha students studying in Australia discuss the Asha Values online with our Domestic Asha students regularly. This is a part of Asha’s focus on Paying it Forward. Here is Tripti from Australia describing the sessions she had. I so enjoyed reading them

Hello everyone,

Today, I had a valuable session with students from Mayapuri, Zakhira, and Peeragarhi, where we focused on "gratitude." We discussed who the students are thankful for in their lives. I was truly impressed by the students' engagement. Many expressed gratitude towards Asha for providing wonderful opportunities and their parents for working hard for them. They shared personal stories about how Asha has played a significant role in their lives, and they are deeply thankful for that.
It was the best meeting I've had with them so far, and their energy was truly commendable.

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