Meet Sana, Masoom, and Maqsood, three determined siblings from a wire-stripping family in the Seelampur slum who are determined to change their lives! Originally from Bihar, their family's journey to Delhi was marked by many struggles. In the face of financial instability, their parents started stripping electric cables, a hazardous labour, which can cause many…
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“Asha’s Love and Lunch: Majeed’s Journey from Loneliness to Happiness”
Majeed, a seventy-eight-year-old man from Seelampur slum community left helpless and alone after his wife's passing and abandoned by his sons, found solace in Asha's 'Love and Lunch' program. Initially isolated and depressed, he was convinced by Asha's CHV, Praveen, to join the program, where he found a community filled with positivity and Joy. Now,…
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