Meet Sana, Masoom, and Maqsood, three determined siblings from a wire-stripping family in the Seelampur slum who are determined to change their lives!
Originally from Bihar, their family's journey to Delhi was marked by many struggles. In the face of financial instability, their parents started stripping electric cables, a hazardous labour, which can cause many health issues.
Through Asha's support, the children got enrolled in schools, and they are doing well in their studies and gaining confidence and social skills. The trio regularly attend the Asha Bal Mandal programme, learning and practising different values, reading stories, and engaging in games and other edutainment activities. Sana dreams of becoming a teacher, Masoom aspires to be a police officer and Maqsood dreams of serving as an Army officer.
Their mother thanks the Asha team for being the guiding light that empowers her children's aspirations. She says that the role of the Asha team in shaping their future is invaluable. These kids represent many such children from the slum communities whom Asha supports in fulfilling their dreams and aspirations.