Asha COVID-19 Emergency Response: Asha supplementary feeding program is ongoing on all slum communities

COVID-19 has had lasting after-effects on the poorest across the world, especially among the slums where every day is a fight for survival. The Asha slums have witnessed a high increase in malnutrition children which has been a direct repercussion of the national lockdown for two and a half months.

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on young children in the slums has been devastating. Many have lost a lot of weight and appetite. Their mothers have also become malnourished, and find it very challenging to take care of them. The fight for survival has left them emotionally drained, and unable to give loving care and attention to their children. The Asha supplementary feeding program for young children is run in a number of communities by the Asha Corona Warriors and Asha team members. The Asha Laddoo is a calorie-dense high protein food that is lovingly fed on a daily basis to all the children registered in the program. Each child is paid attention to and treated with warmth and affection. They are regaining their lost appetites and gaining weight.

The withholding of love from a child especially during the critical developmental periods in his or her life can drive them to destruction. May the Asha family in Delhi and around the world provide these children with love’s nurturing, its compassion, and it’s life-giving blessings.”


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