Asha COVID-19 Emergency Response: High energy and High protein powder created to promote weight in Malnutrition Women

There has recently been a high growth of severely malnourished women in the Asha slums. Many women have lost a lot of weight and have a very low BMI owing to the after-effects of the lockdown in India. Asha has created a special recipe for a ‘High energy High protein powder’ to be distributed daily in Asha centres to promote steady weight growth in these women.

I have commenced a Malnutrition Clinic for Women ( 15-49 years) and we have prepared a high energy high protein powder in house for these women. They will come every day to the Asha centre for their daily supplement. I feel sure that along with giving them other micronutrients and dietary advice, they will gain weight. We will monitor their weight and BMI regularly.


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