Dr Kiran- ”Hello folks, as I sit among the young children in the Asha communities and engage with them and their mothers, one of the sad effects of the pandemic is that the parents are so stressed with their employment and financial situation, and the lack of food, that there is no room or time to show love to their children. Daily care and affection through hugs and cuddles, lovingly feeding them, paying attention to their needs, celebrating their birthdays, it’s all but gone. I am anxious for the children’s physical and mental well being, their bonds with their parents, their fears and insecurities, and their future ability to learn well at school.
Asha’s supplementary feeding program is being designed to provide the young children with a nutritious diet and create an environment for mothers to give love and attention to their children, and for Asha’s team and volunteers too to show them love and affection, and bring joy to their lives. Our children must come out of the pandemic healthy, strong, secure, and confident. It may sound hard during such trying times, but I think loving our children is the most powerful and transformational act during these hardest of times.”