Dr Kiran- ”Today I spent the afternoon in Chanderpuri slum colony. We gave out Child Nutrition Kits, after which we visited the families. Social distancing in the lanes and homes was a near impossibility. The streets are way too narrow, and each home is really small. The containers for rice, lentils, and other necessities were nearly empty. People were in great financial distress. At the same time, they could not stop saying thank you to me for whatever we had done for them. We have already given one round of cash and groceries, and the listings are being prepared for the next round. I met many widows and extremely poor families. It was heartbreaking.
The Asha Corona Warriors Sonam, Arif, Babita, and Parvez are doing wonderful work under the guidance of the Asha team. They themselves are suffering huge financial hardships that we are trying to alleviate.”