Laxmi, a resident of the Kalkaji Slum Community, has been an active force within the Asha Mahila Mandal group for so many years. Through engaging in Mahila Mandal meetings, Laxmi learned valuable advocacy skills and precious Asha values, which she implemented within her family and community, and made her more confident and empowered and gave her an expression.
During one of the Mahila Mandal meetings, Laxmi raised the challenges faced by the Navjeewan camp due to the sewage manhole overflowing and the dirty water reaching the small shanties of the slum dwellers. She also raised concerns about the lack of streetlights, making women feel unsafe at night. With the support of the Asha team, Laxmi and the Mahila Mandal members took action. They wrote an application and visited the officials of the Delhi Municipal Corporation and the Ward Councillors, urging them to address the sewage issue. After three to four days of continuous efforts, the government authorities finally cleaned and repaired the manhole, ending the water leakage. Additionally, they constructed streetlights in the community lanes, enhancing safety for all residents.
Laxmi's husband, who is also an active social worker in the community, provided his unwavering support. In another instance, when local community cameras were stolen three months ago, Laxmi and her husband, under the guidance of the Asha team and government authorities, worked together to reinstall CCTV cameras in the community.
Laxmi and the other women of the Mahila Mandal have displayed remarkable determination and courage. Their empowerment has not only benefited them but the entire community as well. Their story is a shining example of how empowering women empowers the community.