Narayani, Asha's dedicated Community Health Volunteer (CHV), is a testament to the power of determination and compassion. She migrated to Delhi from Rajasthan, seeking a better life with her husband three and a half decades ago. Despite facing numerous challenges, they strived to make ends meet as her husband took on various odd jobs to support their family.
When the Asha team visited her community, they encouraged her to join the Mahila Mandal. Initially, Narayani was hesitant to attend the weekly meetings and go outside, but Asha's team leader encouraged her to join; she started attending meetings of Mahila Mandal and their activities. Narayani received CHV training certification through active involvement and became a Community Health Volunteer.
For more than 30 years, Narayani's selfless service touched countless lives, providing care for tuberculosis, AIDS, malnutrition, and reproductive health. Now, in the Geriatric care program, she cooks meals for the elderly, extending her generosity to those in need, advocating in the community, and networking with local MLAs and Govt. officials on issues related to water, electricity, toilets, roads, and drains.
Narayani believes in paying it forward, sharing her knowledge, and passing on her values to community members. Her dedication and compassion have made her an inspiration and a pillar of strength for those around her.