A Five Member Team from Vitamin Angels, which included Alice Jetkin, Simran Sachdev, Gurupratap Randhawa, Animesh, and Osama Salman, visited the Asha on 16th November'2022. After the initial interaction with the Asha program team at the head office, where they were briefed on Asha's journey of transforming lives in Delhi slums, they visited Asha's Kusumpur slum community. The Asha senior Nurse practitioner and other Team members warmly welcomed the Team. The Vitamin Angels Team first saw Asha's 'Love and Lunch' Programme and interacted with elderlies. They were impressed with the dedication of the Asha team towards the elderlies who are abandoned by their families. They also interacted with the college students and Asha Ambassadors and heard about their journey with Asha.
The Team observed the well-baby clinic for under-five children conducted by the Senior Nurse practitioner, where she gave the children deworming and Vitamin A supplements.
The Team also undertook a community visit where they had first-hand experience of the life of slum dwellers. Thank you, Vitamin Angels Team, for visiting Asha.