Today is a big day for the Asha family as our Mahinder (Asha Student) received his master’s degree in computer science from The University of Melbourne. We are so happy and proud to share in the excitement of his graduation day.
Chancellor Allan Myers started the ceremony by addressing the graduands, guests, and academics at the University of Melbourne conferring of degrees ceremony. He congratulated and wished them best for future endeavour.
It was followed by Robert Johanson, (Chairman AFOA, Guest speaker at the ceremony) addressing the students where he said, “Asha was founded by Dr. Kiran 30 years ago. She is here with us today. Asha means Hope in Hindi. She and her team work to empower women, improve and manage health, get children to school, give them work experience, provide them some secure title. It is an extraordinary organisation and many of us are privileged to be able to help in some way.
Mahinder as far as we know, the first person ever in the slums of Delhi to graduate from an overseas university. This afternoon he will be getting a master’s degree in computer science. His journey has been an incredible one. This ceremony today is being watched by groups of people in Delhi, by his family to whom we pay our respects and most importantly by a large number of young people of those Asha communities. Young people who live in those slums, many now going to schools and to universities, we hope that all of you are encouraged and inspired by what you see today and by what Mahinder achieved. If we want to contribute to the economic prosperity and social development of all parts of the society then we need a lot more Mahinder.”
Congratulations Mahinder Shrivas on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!