Twenty-three years old Farah, a native of UP, lives in the Chanderpuri Slum colony with her husband and two-year-old son. She came to Chanderpuri Slum soon after her marriage. Since then, she has been availing of Asha’s health services. As Farah became pregnant for the second time, she started suffering from continuous fever and cough. During the ANC clinics, the Asha Health Team advised her to take a Tuberculosis test, which she refused. Her health was deteriorating even with the continued efforts of the Asha Health Team. After repeated counselling and advice from the Asha Health Team, Farah finally agreed to go for the test. Asha’s Community Health Volunteer accompanied her to the nearest DOT centre to do the test. She was found suffering from Tuberculosis. She immediately started the medication. Her health is improving significantly.
Farah’s delivery is expected on 14th February. Asha Health Team continues their regular follow-up health and nutritional services to her. Farah’s family is grateful to the Asha Health Team for their help in the timely diagnosis and treatment of Tuberculosis and for taking care of her pregnancy.